
There are several trenches and caverns in the territory with tunnels. In a trench just outside of the Camp entrance in a small entrance is a medium-sized cave. Water leaks down the slopes and on the dry walls, floor and ledges is moss. There is a hole in the ceiling, large enough for the sun to shine through.

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Near the northern border of the territory and at the bottom slopes of Rockpeak is Stonehills. One of the rivers that broke off the main river in RiverClan entered ShadowClan territory and ended here. The sloped ground here is full of water soaked rocks; making it hard to balance upon leaping. At the bottom of Stonehills is a cave in the water, and that is where the water goes. Side of the pool is a sandy clearing where warriors train their apprentices and train them on the rocky slope for Rockpeak.

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May 21, 2014 19:32:29 GMT


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